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Pricing plans supporting now all currencies

Due to the large number of brands we feature on whtop.com we finally support any currency as plan price. This means you can add now EUR, GBP and any other ISO currency for the plan price or setup fee.
The number of hosting plans has been dramatically increased to over 33.000, lots of them already having EUR or GBP as product price.
We got already many inquires to add EURO as currency for plans, but we extended to any other standard currency.

Members - Plan Edit
As a reminder, we do export over RSS all these products, so any customer can easily stay in touch with any offer from webhosting companies.
Moreover, enhanced microformats are used to properly format the products information.

We want to thank again to all of our listed providers which trust us as main place to distribute their products with RSS feed distribution (many other websites collect them from us).

For any suggestions, feel free to contact us.

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